Frequently Asked Questions.
1. What is an Audio Experience ?
An Audio Experience is a form of entertainment that is designed to be heard over headphones. Using a combination of sound design techniques, narrative and interactive elements it aims to transport the listener from their own home to another location or reality.
2. How is it Interactive ?
"Watchers" needs two people to take part who can see each other throughout. Both are asked to make visual signals during the experience which can be seen by their partner. Making and seeing choices is an important part of "Watchers".
3. Can "Watchers" be experienced by two people in different locations ?
Yes, although we recommend you do it in the same room as each other, you can do it virtually. The caveat being that you will need to have a video chat open on a different device to the one you're listening on. This is due to mobile operating systems having an inbuilt volume control that lowers the audio level of the experience if a video call is open.
4. What do I need to take part ?
An internet enabled device ( phone, tablet, laptop, desktop ) and a pair of headphones each.